GambleAware CEO warns that the "polluter pays" principle is insufficient to build the quality & capacity of treatment services for harmful gambling - both state & industry need to provide funding.
"No one ever talks about losses. So, it's really hard to even know if someone's got a problem or not, because if you haven’t won for a while – you just won’t say anything...Hearing other people’s stories that are similar to mine kind of makes you think ‘Wait a minute’… you realise you’re not a million miles away from it."
"I try and set myself limits to keep it under control. You can sit there and say you’re in control – but sometimes you’re not. Having a spend calculator is really helpful….it visually shows how much you’re spending. You can’t ignore it."
"I never thought I had a problem. I didn't want to be seen like a gambler and addict. But they're all the things that I was...I think now knowing that I can pick up the phone to someone, or I could reach out to someone and get help straight away…it might have been easier."
"At first I wouldn’t say anything because actually... it's not really my place to say, it's not my money. Then I thought I could help him, but I realise now that's not the case and I should have looked after myself first… I still sometimes have to remember to do that."
"I never talked about anything. I wish I had, just saying stuff out loud makes such a difference… I went to group meetings and the more I spoke about my story, the more open I was. And the more I was getting asked questions and getting more involved. It was that that helped me in my recovery."